This post is of the restrooms at Elements Tapas Bar located in downtown Medford. That's tapas, not topless! Ha! Anyway, Elements is one of my favorite hang outs in Medford. They have great food, really fun atmosphere, and THE BEST Pomegranate Martini in town. I could swear they include a little complimentary roofie in my drinks on a regular basis. But that's another story for another time...Elements has really hit the mark when designing their restrooms. There are 2 unisex restrooms at Elements and they are cleverly designed with elements in mind. One is "Fire" & the other is "Water." Here is the sad thing: I have gone to Elements multiple times and just now, this minute, realized why one bathroom was red with volcanic accessories and a portrait of fire and the other has waves and bubbles painted on the walls. Elements, duh! Lets start with my favorite, Water. It is a very commodious commode, always clean and smells fresh, and has a very stylish basin shaped like a clear glass bowl. And when the water is running it is oddly phallic. Maybe that's just how my mind works...hmmm. The handpainted walls look like sea water and are a very nice touch. The ceilings are a bit low in the restrooms and kind of give you an "Alice down the rabbit hole" feeling, if you know what I mean. If you have had a couple or five Pomegranate Roofie Martinis this could be an issue. The Fire restroom is comfortable and has a warm feel to it. I noticed a pleasant cinnamony fragrance immediately. For some reason several orbs appear in my photos of this restroom. Since this isn't the haunted bathrooms blog, we will assume my camera lense just needed cleaned. I rebuke thee, freaky bathroom specters! Anyway, back on topic, I give the Water bathroom 3 tp rolls. It was clean, comfy, and very aesthetically pleasing. Fire gets 2 rolls. A half roll for comfort ( no place to set purse, etc) and half for cleanliness ( basin was clogged and floor was wet and messy), and a full roll for design. All in all, Elements is home of two of the most stylish, sexiest public restrooms in town.
Bathroom Blogfest 2012: Final Recap
12 years ago
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